Wednesday 12 Feb 2025
Latest Accounting News
Hot Issues
Salary sacrifice and your super
5 Clauses Tenants Should Look For When Reviewing a Lease
ASIC continues crackdown on dodgy directors
Vehicle association calls for stricter definitions with luxury car tax changes
Government to push ahead with GIC deduction changes
Exploring compassionate early release of super
Have you considered spouse contribution splitting?
Best Selling BOOKS of all Time
GST fraudsters to face ‘full force of the law’: ATO
Social media scams dominate losses in 2024
Managing your business’s tax debts
Warning on ATO data matching “lifestyle” assets and your business
ATO issues alert on guarantee arrangements and Division 7A
E-Commerce Laws You Must Know To Run An Online Business
Resources and Tools to help our Clients build their future
Most Powerful Economies in Europe | 1960-2024
ATO reveals small business hit list to combat tax debt
What are the FBT implications of Employee Christmas Parties and Gifts?
Assess a business before you buy it
Christmas Parties and Taxi Fare/Rideshare – FBT implications.
Practitioners cautioned on ATO’s top target areas for GST
ATO to target growing businesses in latest compliance blitz
Our SG compliance results are here
Top 20 Most Watched Christmas Movies ever - pre covid
A Unique Advent Calendar
Businesses ghosting the ATO targeted in debt collection blitz
Claiming the tax-free threshold: getting it right
Aussies tired of ‘dodgy tax criminals’, warns ATO
Protect your small business by following these essential steps.
Super guarantee a focus area for ATO business debt collection
Controversial ‘Airbnb tax’ set to become law
Withholding for foreign residents: an ATO focus area
1 in 3 crypto owners confused about tax, study reveals
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A powerful search engine resides on this website.
Seniors - do you hate your mobile phone?
Big Brother - Bricklaying Benchmarks
Seniors Health Card
Medicare levy low-income thresholds
Transfer files securely using our website.
Australian Taxation Office Defers Tax Debts
Super Fund Members may be Entitled to more Age Pension
Seniors - do you hate your mobile phone?
Seniors Supplement for self-funded retirees
1st July 2009 Start Dates
Education Tax Refund (ETR)
HELP (and HECS) Repayment Thresholds
Entrepreneurs Tax Offset (ETO)
Non-commercial Losses
Superannuation Deductions Reduced
Adjusted Taxable Income
Restriction of Exemption for Overseas Employment Income
A powerful search engine resides on this website.
This engine is known as eWombat and it can dig up a lot more than you'd expect.  By using one or more keywords, 1000s to choose from, you can track down information on almost any Financial and Accounting issue.


In short, we all have questions on topics like Superannuation, tax rates, company taxation, interest rates, ASIC, State taxes, non profit organisations, etc.  eWombat is designed specifically to find only Australian documents out there on the internet that relate to these topics.  In fact, eWombat effectively gives you access to over 500,000 documents, including most on at the ATO, thus making it a very comprehensive and powerful resource.  eWombat is been hailed for many years now as a better search mechanism of the ATO than that sites own search facility.  Your Planner or Accountant website is the best place to start such research. 

How to use eWombat?

All you need do is type in one or two keywords related to what you want, click on Go and the options available to you are soon listed. 

Of course, a general term like 'gst'   will offer far too many listings but if you type in a related topic such as 'cash or accrual', as this is actually what you want, then the list is much more manageable. 

Likewise if you want to look up a Tax Ruling from 2007 then simply type 'tr 2007' and go from there.  'Newspapers' brings up a listing, as does 'banks', 'super', etc, etc, etc.

The trick is to take a keyword or two from the question you have, type it into the eWombat window and click on Go. 








